Friday, May 15, 2020

day 62

Today is like another half day because it's Friday. i ordered my brother a Lego set so i put it together  just now. Fortnite is dying so i started to play Minecraft again. i still play Fortnite but not as much. Fortnite and Minecraft are 2 totally different things.

Friday, May 8, 2020

day 55

day 55

Right now there is a police chase, so I have to stay locked inside.
So I can skip playing outside and I can go right to fortnite.
Today I barley had any school work to do so i usually make it
a half day. On Fridays my hole class has a morning meeting together, she puts
us into 2 groups 1 to 13 and 14 to 26. But that is on Monday to Thursday not Friday.

Friday, May 1, 2020

day 48

today the new fortnite update came out. i think that the map is going to be under water
i usally go into battle lab and look for hidden secrets. i am acually pretty good on keyboard and mouse to. every body in this house anoyys me. i get like so stressed when i get annoyed. also im usally board.
all i like is to play fortnite so ya