Monday, April 27, 2020

day 44

day 44

so i played fortnite like all day yesterday so i cant play for a while but i just got this new game on my switch its a hunting game so i might play that. my dog gryffyy

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Day 40

day 40

Yesterday was my birthday. i got like 200 dollars and a ton of vbucks in fortnite
then we went to papaps house to pick up a chainsaw but there was actually a parade i got a ton of letters my cousin jackson gave me a little supply drop. the chicks are doing good to.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

day 32

day 32

This week we have a lot less learning to do. Sunday was Easter so I got am lot of candy. I also ordered a keyboard and mouse for my switch it should be here on Thursday I was getting really tired of playing with controller sweats that literally have aim-bot. So my mouse is a gaming mouse that has buttons on the side. So I am doing this and then i'm going to play my last few matches on controller.
Also the chickens started  growing feathers. Also we got little caterpillars and they will build there cocoons soon.         

Thursday, April 9, 2020

DAY 27

day 27

Today i have to go to my cousins house to celebrate his birthday. But, since we cant go near anybody were doing a mini parade. My day has been good so far. Yesterday my mom started to do a less electronics that was a struggle. I love electronics but i still found some things to do. On Tuesday I had online violin lessons, it was really cool. Also the chickens came a day late, it was sometime between 1 and 2. My mom named one goldey may it was her great grandmothers name. I forget there other names.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Day 25

day 25

yesterday we started doing more in our online learning. I have to do reading, math, a tech activity and a non tech activity. After i'm done that, I usually go outside with my brother then, we eat lunch and then kellan takes a nap. After that we go outside more and then we eat dinner and then I play fortnite or watch TV. my mom ordered new chickens and they will be here today, i'm so exited there so cute. the only thing i don't like is that she's naming them old lady names.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Day 19

day 19

Monday we started online learning we have to use this app called zoom
its a face time app and we did a morning meeting.
then i have to do my work on schoology.
after that i just went outside and played mine craft with my cousin Layla. 
after that we went outside and played on the trampoline. next i played on my phone some more.
after that I ate dinner and then played outside and then started to type this.